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How Excessive and Wrong Way of Masturbation Leads to Sex Weakness and Body Weakness

How Excessive and Wrong Way of Masturbation Leads to Sex Weakness and Body Weakness

Masturbation is a topic that often generates mixed feelings. While it is a normal sexual activity, indulging in it excessively and doing masturbation in wrong way can lead to various side effects, and guilt feeling of sin, fear of impotence (ED) and sex weakness leads to sexual neurosis and cause of various sexual diseases.

What is Masturbation

Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the genitals to achieve sexual arousal and satisfaction, typically resulting in orgasm. It is a common practice among men of all ages and is often viewed as a safe way to explore one’s sexuality. However, when masturbation is excessive and done in wrong way, it can start to interfere with various aspects of life, leading to sex weakness and general health weakness.

As an experienced sexologist, I’ll explore the potential effects on sex weakness and general health and then treat accordingly and advise healthy masturbation behavior.

Research Perspective on Daily Masturbation

Excessive masturbation can potentially impact sexual performance with partners. A reported case study indicates that certain masturbation habits, such as specific positions or techniques used for masturbation, may contribute to sexual performance issues like erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, reduced libido, and overall dissatisfaction during partnered sexual activities.

While moderation is key, the specific frequency that constitutes “excessive” masturbation can differ from person to person. As with many aspects of sexual health, a balanced approach tailored to individual needs and circumstances is often recommended.

The Science Behind Masturbation

Masturbation triggers the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for the pleasure and relaxation experienced during the act.

While occasional masturbation can have positive effects, including stress relief and improved sleep, excessive masturbation can disrupt the natural balance of these chemicals, leading to addiction-like behaviors and other negative effects.

Side Effects of Excessive and Wrong Way of Masturbation

Physical Side Effects

Fatigue and Low Energy

One of the most common side effects of excessive masturbation is fatigue and decreased energy levels. Ejaculation releases hormones like prolactin that can make you feel tired. When this happens excessively, it may leave you feeling chronically fatigued.

Genital Soreness

Excessive masturbation, especially with vigorous technique, can lead to soreness, swelling or irritation of the penis. This is typically temporary but can be uncomfortable.

Reduced Sensitivity

Over time, excessive masturbation may reduce penile sensitivity due to overstimulation. This could potentially impact sexual satisfaction with a partner.

Skin Irritation

Aggressive or frequent masturbation may cause skin chafing, redness or rashes on the genitals. Using lubricant and gentle technique can help prevent this.

Mental and Emotional Effects

Guilt or Shame

Some men may experience feelings of guilt, shame or anxiety about masturbating, especially if they come from conservative backgrounds and Muslims. This can negatively impact self-esteem.

Fear of General Weakness and Sex Weakness

Semen is thought to be a precious matter and essential for physical and sexual health. Semen loss leads to sex weakness (ED) and general weakness.

Social Isolation

Excessive masturbation may lead some men to withdraw socially or avoid intimacy with partners. This can strain relationships over time.

Difficulty Concentrating

Frequent masturbation may make it harder to focus on work, studies or other responsibilities for some men. The constant urge for sexual release can be distracting.

Addiction-Like Behavior

While not a true addiction, some men develop compulsive masturbation habits that interfere with daily life. This can be psychologically distressing.

Effects on Sexual Health

Erectile Dysfunction

There is no clear evidence that masturbation directly causes erectile dysfunction. However, some men who masturbate very frequently may have difficulty getting or maintaining erections with partners.

Premature Ejaculation

Masturbating too quickly on a regular basis may condition some men to ejaculate rapidly, potentially leading to premature ejaculation during partnered sex.

Reduced Sperm Count

Frequent ejaculation through daily masturbation may temporarily reduce sperm count and semen volume. However, this typically returns to normal after a few days of abstinence.

Addiction Like Behavior

Sexual Neurosis

Guilt feeling of sin and fear of sex weakness and body weakness due to Sexual Neurosis that is the cause of various sexual diseases (such as Erectile Dysfunction ED, Non-Consummated Marriage, and Premature Ejaculation PE.

Is Excessive Masturbation Harmful?

Masturbation in moderation is not inherently harmful for most men. However, excessive masturbating over extended periods may increase the risk of negative side effect. The key is finding a healthy balance that works for your body and lifestyle.

Also Read: Does Masturbation Cause Infertility in Men?

How to Manage and Overcome Masturbation Addiction

If you’re struggling with masturbation addiction, there are several strategies you can employ to manage and overcome it:

  1. Set Boundaries: Limit the frequency of masturbation and avoid situations that trigger the urge.
  2. Stay Busy: Engage in activities that distract you from sexual thoughts, such as exercising, reading, or pursuing a hobby.
  3. Seek Professional Help: If masturbation is affecting your life, consider seeking help from a sexologist like Dr. Farooq Nasim Bhatti, MBBS, Diplomate of the American board of Sexology (USA), FAACS (USA), who can provide personalized advice and treatment.

When to Seek Help from a Sexologist

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it may be time to seek help:

  • Persistent guilt or shame after masturbation
  • Physical pain or discomfort during or after the act
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships due to excessive masturbation
  • Signs of addiction, such as neglecting responsibilities to masturbate

Dr. Farooq Nasim Bhatti, MBBS, Diplomate of the American board of Sexology (USA), FAACS (USA), at Nasim Fertility Center are here to help you for your Counselling and treatment. With years of experience in treating male sexual health issues, we offer compassionate and confidential care tailored to your needs and we are the best Sexologist in Pakistan.


Masturbation, when practiced in moderation, is a normal and healthy sexual activity. However, excessive masturbation can lead to a range of physical and psychological side effects that should not be ignored.

At Nasim Fertility Center, we understand the challenges men face regarding sexual health and are committed to providing expert care and guidance. If you’re experiencing any negative effects related to masturbation, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Frequently Asked Question:

Can more frequent masturbation affect sperm count?

Yes, more frequent ejaculation through masturbation can reduce sperm count and quality, which may impact fertility.

Is it normal to feel tired after masturbation?

Feeling tired after masturbation is common due to the release of energy and relaxation of muscles, but persistent fatigue may indicate over-masturbation.

Can masturbation lead to erectile dysfunction?

Excessive masturbation associated with guilt feeling of sin, and fear of sex and body weakness due to semen loss and weakening of penile muscles leads to development of Impotence (ED, Namardi, Mardana Kazori).

How can I reduce the urge to masturbate daily?

Engaging in physical activities, setting limits, and seeking professional help can reduce the urge to masturbate daily.

Should I see a doctor if I’m addicted to masturbation?

If masturbation is negatively impacting your life, it’s advisable to consult a sexologist like Dr. Farooq Nasim Bhatti for expert advice and treatment.

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